Action Required: Review Pending Financial Transactions
Run RPT6938 – WU – FIN – Financial Transactions in Progress by School to provide detail on outstanding transactions and with whom items are awaiting action. Those with Reviewer or Approval roles must review transactions to ensure timely processing and approvals. All transactions need to be reviewed with appropriate action taken no later than 5 p.m. June 28, 2024 to prevent unnecessary spend from carrying over to the next fiscal year. Refer to the Fiscal Year End Close Overview page for instructions and deadlines. Log into Collibra to review terms and definitions for RPT6938.
Managers – Take Action on Time Off Requests for FY24
All time off requests occurring within this Fiscal Year (FY24) must be approved by July 8, 2024 to prevent budget impacts of unapproved FY24 time off requests carrying over to FY25. Run RPT6357 – WU – Unapproved Time Off Requests to generate a list of pending time off requests. Log into Collibra to review terms and definitions for RPT6357.
Payroll Deadlines
Managers, remind non-exempt workers to Request Time Off by May 24, 2024 for the upcoming WashU observed holiday. Approve time off requests before payroll deadlines for workers to receive correct paid time off and accurate accrual balances. Run RPT6712 – WU – Holiday Time Entry Exceptions and filter by Supervisory Organization to generate a list of eligible workers with no time entered for the holiday. Log into Collibra to review terms and definitions for RPT6712.