
Collibra Reports: Begin Auditing Faculty Appointment & Payroll Deadlines

Begin Auditing Faculty Appointments
HR Partners and Academic Partners must review and confirm academic appointment data for all supported workers by March 13, 2024 for the upcoming FY25 Faculty Reappointment process. Refer to the updated Faculty Reappointment Processing Guidelines reference guide and the Manage Academic Appointment tutorial. Run RPT5944 – WU – Academic Appointment Detail Report for a list of current academic appointment details for workers. Log into Collibra to review terms and definitions for RPT5944.  

Payroll Deadlines
Managers, remind non-exempt workers to Request Time Off by January 19, 2024, for the upcoming WashU observed holiday. Approve time off requests before payroll deadlines for workers to receive correct paid time off and accurate accrual balances. Run RPT6712 – WU – No Time Entry for Holidays and filter by Supervisory Organization to generate a list of eligible workers with no time entered for the holiday. Log into Collibra to review terms and definitions for RPT6712.      Use the Workday Operational Calendar and filter by Payroll Close & Key Dates for suggested reports to run prior to deadlines. Refer to the Payroll Processing in Workday reference guide.

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