Datamart Details Template

This is the sub-page that will describe the a datamart project. The heading above would be the actual name of the project/datamart, such as “Jobs & Positions”.


Here is a description of the project. What were the requirements, why we did it, who is impacted, what are the benefits to the users impacted.

Package Description

Learn about the new Cognos package we’ve developed for analyzing this data


Learn more details about this new datamart and what it can do for you.

Request Access

Learn how to request access to this data.

Cognos Analytics

To help you get the most out of this datamart, we have provided you with several starting points in Cognos.

Pre-written Reports

Report ABC: this report will tell you a, b, c and is available to anyone with permissions to ### data.

Report DEF: this report will tell you d, e, f and is available to anyone with permissions to ### data.

You can find both of these reports in Cognos under Team Content > Financial Reporting > ABCDEF folder.


We have created a basic dashboard with this dataset to help you visualize the data. Here is a screenshot (image below) of what that dashboard looks like. You can find this dashboard in Cognos under Team Content > Dashboards > ABCDEF folder.


Explore a subset of this datamart to focus only on the most commonly needed data points. This will save you time by eliminating the need to combine data from multiple packages. You can find this data in Cognos under Main Menu > Explorations > FIN tab.

Data Structure

This is the best datamart I ever could have asked for.

John Doe, Research Administrator