Data Dive Dataset Details
Data dives are aggregated datasets designed to answer specific questions. They provide analysts with quick access to accurate data to empower decision-makers. Below is a description of the elements that comprise each Data Dive dataset, including fields and filters.
Description: Journal Supplier Invoice Expenses by Cost Center, Fund, Ledger Account, and Spend Category. The purpose of this dataset is to explore supplier spending trends.
Additional Information: Everything in this dataset uses “rowcurrentflag = 1”, meaning that all Worktags are the current Worktags (not the Worktags at the time of data entry).
Detailed Dataset Name: Journal Supplier by Cost Center
Fields included in the dataset that underlies the Supplier Data Dive:
Field | Field |
1. Accounting Calendar Year Month | 20. Ledger Account |
2. Accounting Fiscal Month of Year | 21. Ledger Account – Level 2 |
3. Accounting Fiscal Quarter | 22. Ledger Account – Level 3 |
4. Accounting Fiscal Year | 23. Ledger Account – Level 4 |
5. Accounting Fiscal Year Month | 24. School |
6. Accounting Fiscal Year Quarter | 25. School + 1 |
7. Accounting Month Name | 26. School + 2 |
8. Accounting Month Short | 27. School + 2 Key (Keys are used for join to security view) |
9. Accounting Quarter Short | 28. School Key (Keys are used for join to security view) |
10. Company | 29. Spend Category |
11. Company – Level 2 (this is Level2CompanyID + ‘ – ‘ + Level2CompanyName) | 30. Spend Category – Level 2 |
12. Company – Level 3 | 31. Supplier Category Name (specific to Supplier dataset) |
13. Cost Center | 32. Supplier City (specific to Supplier dataset) |
14. Debit – Credit Amount (this is a sum) | 33. Supplier Country (specific to Supplier dataset) |
15. Dept Rollup | 34. Supplier ID (specific to Supplier dataset) |
16. Fund | 35. Supplier Name (specific to Supplier dataset) |
17. Fund – Level 2 | 36. Supplier State or Region (specific to Supplier dataset) |
18. Fund – Level 3 | 37. University Fiscal Group |
19. Journal Source |
Filters used to produce this dataset
Journal Status | = | Posted |
Journal Ledger Type | = | Actuals |
Journal Amount Type | = | Activity |
Journal Book Code | = | Common |
Ledger Account Type | = | Expense |
Journal Source | = | Supplier Invoice |
Debit – Credit Amt | <> | 0 |
Accounting Fiscal Year | > | 2021 |
Description: New Award money by Sponsor and Cost Center
Fields included in the dataset that underlies the Awards Data Dive:
Field | Field |
1. Budget Credit Amt (specific to Awards) | 15. Grant – Level 2 |
2. Budget Debit Amt (specific to Awards) | 16. Grant – Level 3 |
3. Cost Center (Award Cost Center) | 17. Prime Sponsor Name (specific to Awards – usually blank) |
4. Cost Center Type | 18. School |
5. Created Fiscal Quarter | 19. School + 1 |
6. Created Fiscal Month of Year | 20. School + 2 |
7. Created Fiscal Year | 21. School + 2 Key (Keys are used for join to security view) |
8. Created Fiscal Year Month | 22. School Key (Keys are used for join to security view) |
9. Created Fiscal Year Qtr | 23. Sponsor Abbreviation (specific to Awards) |
10. Created Month Name | 24. Sponsor Class (specific to Awards) |
11. Created Month Short | 25. Sponsor Country (specific to Awards) |
12. Created Quarter Short | 26. Sponsor Name (specific to Awards) |
13. Debit – Credit (specific to Awards) | 27. Sponsor State (specific to Awards) |
14. Dept Rollup | 28. University Fiscal Group |
Filters used to produce this dataset
Amendment Type | NOT IN | SPA Budget Adjustment Carryforward, SPA Budget Adjustment Closeout Amendment |
Award Lifecycle Status | IN | Closed, Open, Pre-Award Spending |
Amendment Descr not like %Closing BA% | AND | Amendment Type <> Budget Amendment Type 311 |
Journal Book Code | = | Common |
Budget Status | = | Available |
Filter Grant ID Name | LIKE | All% |
Created Fiscal Year | > | 2021 |
Description: Room Inventory by Occupant Dept Rollup. Includes room types and square footage by occupant dept rollup, building, and floor.
Detailed Dataset Name: Space by Room Type
Fields included in the dataset that underlies the Space Data Dive:
Field | Field |
1. Bldg Zip (specific to Space) | 17. Room Category Descr (specific to Space) |
2. Bldg Address (specific to Space) | 18. Room Category Short Descr (specific to Space) |
3. Bldg Address 2 (specific to Space) | 19. Room Count (specific to Space) |
4. Bldg City (specific to Space) | 20. Room Main Count (specific to Space) |
5. Bldg Location (specific to Space) | 21. Room Sq Ft (specific to Space) |
6. Bldg Name (specific to Space) | 22. Room Type (specific to Space) |
7. Bldg Nbr (specific to Space) | 23. Room Type + Descr (specific to Space) |
8. Bldg Nbr + Name (specific to Space) | 24. Room Type Descr (specific to Space) |
9. Bldg State (specific to Space) | 25. School |
10. Cost Center (Room split Cost Center) | 26. School + 1 |
11. Cost Center Type | 27. School + 2 |
12. Dept Rollup | 28. School + 2 Key (Keys are used for join to security view) |
13. Floor Nbr (specific to Space) | 29. School Key (Keys are used for join to security view) |
14. Occupiable Sw (specific to Space) | 30. Survey Project ID (specific to Space) |
15. Rept Year (specific to Space) | 31. Survey year (specific to Space) |
16. Room Category (specific to Space) | 32. University Fiscal Group |
Filters used to produce this dataset
Last 10 years of Survey data | ||
Survey Project ID | LIKE | %Annual |
Cost Center filters exist in the Space Survey Package to make sure this join is correct |