Data Dive Dataset Details

Data dives are aggregated datasets designed to answer specific questions. They provide analysts with quick access to accurate data to empower decision-makers. Below is a description of the elements that comprise each Data Dive dataset, including fields and filters.

Supplier Data Dive

Description: Journal Supplier Invoice Expenses by Cost Center, Fund, Ledger Account, and Spend Category. The purpose of this dataset is to explore supplier spending trends.

Additional Information: Everything in this dataset uses “rowcurrentflag = 1”, meaning that all Worktags are the current Worktags (not the Worktags at the time of data entry).

Detailed Dataset Name: Journal Supplier by Cost Center

Fields included in the dataset that underlies the Supplier Data Dive:
1. Accounting Calendar Year Month20. Ledger Account
2. Accounting Fiscal Month of Year21. Ledger Account – Level 2
3. Accounting Fiscal Quarter22. Ledger Account – Level 3
4. Accounting Fiscal Year23. Ledger Account – Level 4
5. Accounting Fiscal Year Month24. School
6. Accounting Fiscal Year Quarter25. School + 1
7. Accounting Month Name26. School + 2 
8. Accounting Month Short27. School + 2 Key
(Keys are used for join to security view)
9. Accounting Quarter Short28. School Key
(Keys are used for join to security view)
10. Company29. Spend Category
11. Company – Level 2
(this is Level2CompanyID + ‘ – ‘ + Level2CompanyName)
30. Spend Category – Level 2
12. Company – Level 331. Supplier Category Name
(specific to Supplier dataset)
13. Cost Center32. Supplier City
(specific to Supplier dataset)
14. Debit – Credit Amount
(this is a sum)
33. Supplier Country
(specific to Supplier dataset)
15. Dept Rollup34. Supplier ID
(specific to Supplier dataset)
16. Fund35. Supplier Name
(specific to Supplier dataset)
17. Fund – Level 236. Supplier State or Region
(specific to Supplier dataset)
18. Fund – Level 337. University Fiscal Group
19. Journal Source

Filters used to produce this dataset

Journal Status=Posted
Journal Ledger Type=Actuals
Journal Amount Type=Activity
Journal Book Code=Common
Ledger Account Type=Expense
Journal Source=Supplier Invoice
Debit – Credit Amt<>0
Accounting Fiscal Year>2021
Awards Data Dive

Description: New Award money by Sponsor and Cost Center

Fields included in the dataset that underlies the Awards Data Dive:
1. Budget Credit Amt
(specific to Awards)
15. Grant – Level 2
2. Budget Debit Amt
(specific to Awards)
16. Grant – Level 3
3. Cost Center
(Award Cost Center)
17. Prime Sponsor Name
(specific to Awards – usually blank)
4. Cost Center Type18. School
5. Created Fiscal Quarter19. School + 1
6. Created Fiscal Month of Year20. School + 2 
7. Created Fiscal Year21. School + 2 Key
(Keys are used for join to security view)
8. Created Fiscal Year Month22. School Key
(Keys are used for join to security view)
9. Created Fiscal Year Qtr23. Sponsor Abbreviation
(specific to Awards)
10. Created Month Name24. Sponsor Class
(specific to Awards)
11. Created Month Short25. Sponsor Country
(specific to Awards)
12. Created Quarter Short26. Sponsor Name
(specific to Awards)
13. Debit – Credit
(specific to Awards)
27. Sponsor State
(specific to Awards)
14. Dept Rollup28. University Fiscal Group

Filters used to produce this dataset

Amendment TypeNOT INSPA Budget Adjustment Carryforward, SPA Budget Adjustment Closeout Amendment
Award Lifecycle StatusINClosed, Open, Pre-Award Spending
Amendment Descr not like %Closing BA%ANDAmendment Type <> Budget Amendment Type 311
Journal Book Code=Common
Budget Status=Available
Filter Grant ID NameLIKEAll%
Created Fiscal Year>2021

Space Data Dive

Description: Room Inventory by Occupant Dept Rollup. Includes room types and square footage by occupant dept rollup, building, and floor.

Detailed Dataset Name: Space by Room Type

Fields included in the dataset that underlies the Space Data Dive:
1. Bldg Zip
(specific to Space)
17. Room Category Descr
(specific to Space)
2. Bldg Address
(specific to Space)
18. Room Category Short Descr
(specific to Space)
3. Bldg Address 2
(specific to Space)
19. Room Count
(specific to Space)
4. Bldg City
(specific to Space)
20. Room Main Count
(specific to Space)
5. Bldg Location
(specific to Space)
21. Room Sq Ft
(specific to Space)
6. Bldg Name
(specific to Space)
22. Room Type
(specific to Space)
7. Bldg Nbr
(specific to Space)
23. Room Type + Descr
(specific to Space)
8. Bldg Nbr + Name
(specific to Space)
24. Room Type Descr
(specific to Space)
9. Bldg State
(specific to Space)
25. School
10. Cost Center
(Room split Cost Center)
26. School + 1
11. Cost Center Type27. School + 2 
12. Dept Rollup28. School + 2 Key
(Keys are used for join to security view)
13. Floor Nbr
(specific to Space)
29. School Key
(Keys are used for join to security view)
14. Occupiable Sw
(specific to Space)
30. Survey Project ID
(specific to Space)
15. Rept Year
(specific to Space)
31. Survey year
(specific to Space)
16. Room Category
(specific to Space)
32. University Fiscal Group

Filters used to produce this dataset

Last 10 years of Survey data
Survey Project IDLIKE%Annual
Cost Center filters exist in the Space Survey Package to make sure this join is correct