HCM Jobs & Positions Package

The Jobs and Positions package can be found in Cognos under Team Content > Packages > HCM Reporting Packages > Workday HCM Packages.

With the Jobs and Positions Package, a critical collection of core attributes of the employee and contingent worker are brought into the Cognos environment, along with Academic Appointments. The package provides the capability to do extensive reporting and analytics in job profile and position management, requisitions, and employment. 

For this package, Position is the central concept. While using the package, please be aware that Position might or might not have a worker associated with it.  

With the way a Position is created and managed, requisitioned and ultimately filled by a worker, various attributes during each phase can be overridden. We are capturing these changes at the Position and Employment levels – the various worktags and attributes are organized in the respective folders. 

In addition, Employee attribute of supervisory organization (“SupOrg”) is now available for reporting. 

Important to Note – Secured Fields

There are a few sensitive fields that are secured and would require additional permissions. Position compensation related fields are considered sensitive. For a report with these fields present, special permissions needs to be requested and granted. See the Jobs & Positions Security Guide for more information.


Additional packages of varying complexities and /or expanding this package to include employee compensation details are being planned for the near future.