NIH Reporter Data-Project Cost Package

A new NIH data source package, ‘NIH Reporter Data-Project Cost’, simplifies NIH reporting and provides details on scientific awards data from both NIH and a few other DHHS agencies (see below). Washington University sources data from the NIH Reporter Applications Programming Interface (API). Please note that Cognos package field names may not exactly match those from NIH direct downloads.

This package restores the ability to report on NIH data from Cognos that was interrupted by a change to the NIH data provision processes. All Cognos users with access to research reporting have been granted access to this data. If you run into any access issues, please contact the data team

PATH: Team Content / Packages / NIH Reporter data Packages/ NIH Reporter Data-Project Cost

Important Notes

  • This data is updated weekly.
  • NIH Reporter data can occasionally be out of sync with what gets fed in from the API. If this happens, it is generally minor and re-synchronization will occur the following week. NIH has not shared the process by which either the Reporter Site or the API data are updated.
  • Due to the configuration of pre-2012 data, a very small number of rows prior to 2012 are not available for reporting.
  • Please note that WashU is not pulling all of the fields listed in the NIH API documentation.
  • Other DHHS agency data includes:
    • Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
    • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
    • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    • Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
    • U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    • Veterans Affairs (VA)

A more detailed data dictionary will be released soon.

NIH Reporter Data – Project Cost Package Diagram