Workday Projects & Gifts Packages

Workday Projects & Gifts data is available for reporting in Cognos within four distinct data source packages:

  • Budget (Current)
  • Monthly Journal & Budget Summary (Current)
  • Monthly Gift Summary (Current)
  • Monthly Project Summary (Current)

All of the Hierarchies are included in all of these packages. Report authors need to remember to filter on Hierarchy when using these packages. (i.e., Include one Hierarchy Code/Name)

Each of the 4 Cognos packages are described separately below.

Note: the (Current) suffix is to indicate that the conformed dimensions used in the package are using the current version; additional packages will be offered later for (As of Date).

Budget (Current) package

Cognos Path: Team Content/Packages/Financial Reporting Packages / Workday Financial Packages /Budget (Current)

The budget data in this package enables transactional reporting on Project and Gift budgets, allowing data consumers to see and analyze activity on specific budgets and/or budget Worktags.

This package can be used for detailed reporting on budgets vs. actuals on Gifts and Projects.

Additional Information

All Worktags will display current values. Award budget data is in the Award package. Operating Budget data will be added in a future project.

Monthly Journal & Budget Summary (Current) package

Cognos Path: Team Content/Packages/Financial Reporting Packages / Workday Financial Packages /Monthly Journal & Budget Summary (Current)

This is a monthly summary of dollars using the Worktags on the Budget and Journal transactions, and can provide details on actuals vs. what is spent from a budget by period. This package currently includes Gift and Project reporting budget data and all Journal data.

The data in this package can be tied to Academic Appointments tied to gifts. 

Additional Information

All Worktags will display current values. Award budget data is in the Award package. Operating Budget Data will be added in a future project.

Tips & Tricks
  • For Journal data, the transaction data aligns with the Accounting Date.
  • For Budget data, if the Budget is created before Budget Period Start Date, then it will fall into the month of Budget Period Start Date. If the Budget is created after Budget Period End Date it will fall into the month of Budget Period End Date. 
  • Has budget data for Budget Entries that are “Available”
  • Has Journal data for Journal Entries that are “Posted”

Monthly Gift Summary (Current) package

Cognos Path: Team Content/Packages/Financial Reporting Packages / Workday Financial Packages /Monthly Gift Summary (Current)

This is a monthly summary of Gift reporting budget dollars and the Gift journal dollars using the default Worktags on the Gift as they were at the end of the month, summarized. This contains Journal Actuals for common book and Ledger Account Type in (‘Expense’, ‘Contra-Revenue’). The package also contains Units and Book Values tied to Gifts. It is specifically for reviewing budget vs. actuals or total Gift values (using the unit-based fields). The Monthly Gift Summary package presents budget data with the related actual, commitment, obligation and activity data to provide a point-in-time status.

This data is tied to Space data to see how much is being spent on a specific project. 

Additional Information

All Worktags will display current values.

Tips & Tricks
  • Academic appointments data associated with Gifts will always display the current academic appointment data.
  • Only gifts that are tied to academic appointments will be seen when a field is added from Academic Appointments.

Monthly Project Summary (Current) package

Cognos Path: Team Content/Packages/Financial Reporting Packages / Workday Financial Packages /Monthly Project Summary (Current)

This is a monthly summary of Project Reporting Budget dollars and the Project Journal dollars using the default Worktags on the Project as they were at the end of the month, summarized. This package contains all Capital & Noncapital projects budgets. Project info. As well as Budget vs. Actual for projects. The Monthly Project Summary package presents budget data with the related actual, commitment and obligation activity data to provide a point-in-time status. Project Summary data can also be viewed across fiscal years based on the life of the projects.

 Analytics can be created from this data to provide insights into spending rates and dollars remaining over time for specific Projects, Gifts, or aggregations based on Worktag categories.  

Additional Information

All Worktags will display current values.