
How to Request Access to the Data Warehouse

User Access

The new data warehouse introduces some differences in both how data can be accessed and how that access can be acquired.

The first new feature is that Tableau can be used to connect to the data warehouse and enable anyone to create custom reports. More information about using Tableau can be found here.

Another thing that is different relates to how security access is requested for the new data packages. Previously, security was required to be granted first through the source systems such as AIS and HRMS, then afterwards a second request had to be submitted in order to gain access to the various resources and report folders within Cognos.

The new data warehouse no longer relies on the older source system security. Instead, a single request form will grant access to the data.

Additionally, the warehouse is set up so that reports can be created by the end user community based on their analytics needs. This is why training is crucial to working with the new data warehouse.

To begin, follow these steps:

  1. Before requesting access to the data in the new warehouse make sure to review the data warehouse introduction here, the Cognos package descriptions on the Cognos Resources page to understand which packages you will want to access and what they have to offer, and finally be sure to sign up for training.
  2. Download and complete the appropriate security access form (see table below). On the form you will need to select the type of data packages required for your reports.
  3. Based on the data packages selected, you will then forward the form to the authorized data steward(s). Data stewards for each available package are listed on page two of the security form. Forms must be fully signed before submitting them to the Data Management Team.
    1. Tips for obtaining your signatures: route the form to the appropriate parties via email, create a shared Box link to the form, or route the form through Docusign
  4. Once all signatures have been acquired, the final copy of the request form can then be e-mailed to Data Management Support for processing. Once we verify everything has has been filled out properly, a ServiceNow incident will be opened. Please allow one to two business days for processing.

For questions about gaining access to legacy Cognos reports, or any other warehouse security needs, please contact Data Management Support.

Access Request Forms
Workday HCM Packages
Workday Financial Packages and Year Over Year reports
Research Reporting (RMS), Pre-Award, and NIH Packages
Space Packages
Awards Packages
Additional Sensitive Fields (Compensation, FFR, Gifts, etc.)
COI Packages

Tableau Software licenses can be ordered via a ServiceNow request to the WashU IT Software Licensing team. Questions about Tableau and Tableau Prep desktop software can be sent to