Awards Package

This Cognos data source package contains current (Workday) Awards data (post-FY21). If you need Legacy Awards data, go to the Legacy Research Packages folder and locate the Award package there.

You can find the Awards package in Cognos under Team Content > Packages > Financial Reporting Packages > Workday Financial Packages. Click the button below if you need to request access to Awards data.

About the Awards package

The Awards package is centered on the dollars from the Award Budget Lines. Award dollars are not part of the financial record until they are reflected in a created or amended budget. If there are discrepancies between the authorized amount of award dollars indicated for an award or line in Workday and the budgeted amount of award dollars, contact SPA to correct. 

Always use the dollars from Award Budget Line Measures for official reporting.

Key Notes

  • Only use the dollars from the Award Measures with the following tables (query subjects):  Any Sponsor, Proposal, Company, Award, Award Dates.  As soon as you start pulling in data from Award Line or Award Budget Line, the award dollars will start to multiply.  The Award dollars are useful for finding dollars that have not yet been budgeted or are not budgeted correctly and should be reported to SPA.
  • Grant Departmental Hierarchy may not include all Grants.  If something is missing here, this should also be reported to SPA for inclusion.
  • All FDM components are for the Grant.  E.g. the Grant Cost Center is the default cost center that is set on the grant.
  • Grants with a Lifecycle Status = ‘Error’ should be excluded.  This is the way grants are deleted/canceled in Workday.
  • When using filters, use the include approach and remember to include nulls.  Excluding or not selecting to include null values will remove anything that has a null value in the field being filtered.


  1. Award Budget Line contains the most detailed data about the award and award dollars.
    1. This holds the budget transactions at the Award, Grant, and Object Class level.
    2. This data also has the Created Date and Datetime that this budget transaction was created.  Summing this data will allow you to look at Award dollars as of specific dates.
    3. The Award Budget Line Entry Type and Amendment Type are the fields to use to tell you what type of dollars these are; New, Continuation, Supplement, Change, etc.  See tables A & B below for a conversion reference to the AIS New Money Types and A# designations. 
    4. Transactions with a blank Entry Type will be excluded from Cognos.  These are not valid Award Budget Line entries.
  2. Award Line contains data about the Award and Grant combination.
    1. Each Award Budget Line belongs to exactly one Award Line.
    2. The Amendment ID is available in Award Budget Line.
    3. Canceled Budget Lines now have a Budget Status = ‘Canceled.  In the future, if a budget line is cancelled, the status will be updated to ‘Canceled’
    4. Sub Recipient, Rate Agreement, and Primary Grant identification are at this level.
    5. Award Lines without budgeted (or allocated) amounts are not included in this package. The dollars are not part of the financial record until they are reflected in a created or amended budget. If there are discrepancies between the authorized amount of award dollars indicated for an award or line in Workday and the budgeted amount of award dollars, contact SPA to correct.
  3. Award contains data at the Award level, like Award Number and Award Name.  Award Measures are also at the Award level.  Note:  The amounts in Award Measures will match the Award amounts in Workday.  They may not match the sum of the Award Budget Line data.
    1. An Award may have multiple Grants.  Each Grant may only be on one Award Line.
      Note:  Canceled Awards exist in Cognos.  You will need to filter these out to get accurate Award totals.  The Canceled Awards have a lifecycle status of ‘Error’

Grant Data

  • The FDM values included are the Grant default FDM values. 
  • All Grant FDM data is current data.  The one exception is the Grant FFR Owner Employee Data at Time of Budget Line.  This will pull in employee demographic data at the time the budget line was created (Award Budget Line – Created Date).
  • Program is where to find Cost Sharing (Mandatory, Voluntary Committed, or Voluntary Uncommitted)
  • Region is where to find Med School Rent for Space or Off Campus
  • Additional documentation about FDM and FDM hierarchies can be found in the Cognos Journal documentation.  The Award package uses ‘Any Level’ hierarchies mentioned at the bottom of the page.


  • FFR Owner (PI) data exists at both the Award level and the Grant level. 
  • The FFR Owner at the Award level should be the Prime PI.  This is the PI for the Grant that is flagged as Primary (field in Award Line).  This is a manually updated field in Workday.  If there is a discrepancy, please contact SPA to correct.
  • We also have a field for the Award Original FFR Owner.  This is a data warehouse only field to capture the original value in case the FFR changes over the lifetime of the Award.
    Note:  This data was not captured in the warehouse until 2/8/2022.  Any changes that occurred before this date will not be captured.  The original will be the FFR from 2/8/2022.
  • Each Grant will also have an FFR.  There may be several grants with different FFRs for an award.
  • The Grant FFR for an award budget line transactions will always be the current FFR for the Grant.  There is an option to see this FFR’s current data or their data at the time of the budget line transactions.


  • All Awards live in CP000001 Washington University in St. Louis
  • There are currently no Non Carryforward worktags on any Grants with Awards.  This may change in the future.


  • Sponsor data from Workday is now available in a folder in the Sponsor table (query subject).
  • This package depends on the Workday Sponsor ID being linked to a sponsor in RMS.  If this link is not in place, the Sponsor data will be blank.
  • There is a new column called Govt/Non Govt/GSSP
    If the Sponsor Class contains ‘Federal’ or ‘Gov’ then the value is ‘Government’ .
    If the Sponsor Class contains ‘Foundation’ or ‘Other’ then the value is ‘Gifts in Support (GSSP)’.  Otherwise, the value is ‘Non-Government’.
  • Sponsor hierarchy data is now also available in the Sponsor table (query subject).  This uses the naming conventions set up in RMS to show the Federal Agency hierarchy. 
    Tip:  if you want everything for DHHS, look for all Sponsor Name contains ‘DHHS’.  That way you will get all sponsors where DHHS appears in Hierarchy 1, 2 or 3. Example – Sponsor Name: National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS/NINR
    • Sponsor Hierarchy 1: NIH
    • Sponsor Hierarchy 2: DHHS
    • Sponsor Hierarchy 3: NINR

Translations for AIS Awards

Workday Entry Type and Amendment Type

SPA_BUDGET_ADJUSTMENTSPA Budget Adjustment – Carryforward
SPA_BUDGET_ADJUSTMENTSPA Budget Adjustment – Continuation
BUDGET_AMENDMENT_TYPE-3-11SPA Budget Adjustment – Closeout Amendment
BUDGET_AMENDMENT_TYPE-3-12SPA Budget Adjustment – Interest/Stock Earned/Lost
SPA_BUDGET_ADJUSTMENTSPA Budget Adjustment – Funding Inc/Dec
SPA_BUDGET_ADJUSTMENTSPA Budget Adjustment – Supplement
A-New  SPA_Original_New
B-ContinuationSPA_Original_Continuation, SPA_Budget_Adjustment_Continuation
E-ChangeNot in use  

Note:  SPA_Budget_Adjustment_Funding_Inc_Dec would have corresponded to several letters; whichever had previously been in use on that allocation (e.g. a funding increase to a profile with New Money type A was entered with type A, while an increase on a profile with New Money type B would be entered with type B)

A1Sum of all Award Budget Line object classes, excluding Facilities and Administration, budgeted using SPA_Original_New, SPA_Original_Renewal, SPA_Original_Continuation, SPA_Budget_Adjustment_Continuation, SPA_Budget_Adjustment_Funding_Inc_Dec, SPA_Budget_Adjustment_Supplement
A2Sum of Facilities and Administration object dlass budgeted using SPA_Original_New, SPA_Original_Renewal, SPA_Original_Continuation, SPA_Budget_Adjustment_Continuation, SPA_Budget_Adjustment_Funding_Inc_Dec, SPA_Budget_Adjustment_Supplement
A3Sum of Restricted object class budgeted using SPA_Budget_Adjustment_Carryforward
A4Sum of all object classes excluding Restricted and Facilities and Administration budgeted using SPA_Budget_Adjustment_Carryforward
A5A5 – Sum of Facilities and Administration object class budgeted using SPA_Budget_Adjustment_Carryfoward
A6A6 – Not captured (part of A3)

Workday Awards Cognos Package Diagram

Other Useful Information