HCM Jobs, Positions, Requisitions, and Academic Appointment data is designed to help data consumers get a more comprehensive view of our employees and contingent workers. This data is integrated with existing data currently in the warehouse and is available in Cognos packages and via direct access using Tableau and other methods.
Supervisory Organizations have been incorporated into Employee data as well. In addition, critical employment data like FTE (Full-Time Employee) and scheduled work hours have been added on the employees’ side.
Academic Appointment is used to establish faculty track and confirm faculty appointments, tenure track type, and other relevant academic data. Academic Appointments are separate and distinct attributes from a worker’s position. All faculty (clinician, tenure, tenure track, adjunct, lecturer, etc.) will have an Academic Appointment in Workday this will be available in the warehouse for reporting. Faculty may have one or more Academic Appointments.
The biggest benefit of this package is that it will allow cross-domain reporting, which enables the combination of Jobs and Positions data with person demographics, financial data, research data, and other key data elements.
This dataset may additionally be helpful if security in Workday prevents Compensation analysis using position data.
- Reporting with this dataset will allow report writers to utilize cross domain reporting in Cognos. Also, this data can be directly analyzed in Tableau, creating trusted metrics, informing leadership decisions, and tackling critical human capital challenges.
- Cross-domain reporting will provide a complete comprehensive view of the worker and the background of the worker. For example, one might be able to ascertain if a professor is receiving funding for a grant, what percentage of the grant is tied to the worker/professor. You can get that report by synthesizing the Jobs and Positions package, Compensation package, and Academic Appointment with Gifts packages (all future packages coming soon). Please note that you may need to request access to one or more of these packages by completing an access request form. See the Jobs & Positions Security Guide for more information.

All of the below reports are located in Cognos under: Team Content > Reports > HCM Reports> Jobs and Positions
Workers with Multiple Positions Report
The Report returns all workers with multiple Jobs/positions and their position details.
Supervisory Organization Report
This report helps leadership to review which supervisory organization has Open, Closed, and filled positions for over a period time.
Contingent Worker Report
This report shows a relationship between WashU and a contingent Worker, including information about the contingent worker and the assignment of the contingent worker to a position.
Demographic Report
This is a custom report that calculates active worker counts by supervisory organizations and positions FTE%. The Director of HR and Academic Chancellor will ask for these reports to better understand the demographics of applicants.
Academic Appointment Detail Report
The Academic Appointments functional area consists of data elements, policies and reporting related to faculty data (different from worker data) such as track, rank, tenure status, and academic unit(s) where appointed. This report is needed to provide to the Leadership and Chancellor Office.
Report Authors will need to include at least one Position data element in the report or there will be duplicate rows.
Request access – Jobs & Positions Security Guide
Jobs & Positions Cognos package description
Jobs & Positions Datamart Overview