This guides the user through the process of downloading and configuring Postman. Please make sure that the Anypoint Exchange process has been completed first.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Goto to download
  2. To set up, configure a Postman environment configured with at least three variables defined:
    1. PersonJWT – this is set/updated for each use of the “POST IdM Get JWT” call in Postman to update the auth token.
    2. idmclientid – this value is displayed when logged in to Anypoint Exchange (see link above) and request access to an API. Please make sure to enter the details under current value only.
    3. idmsecret – this value is provided separately by the Integrations team who handles initial account set up for Integrations APIs. Please make sure to enter the details under current value only.
  3. Download this file and import into Postman:   WUIT-Public.postman_collection.json
    1. This link currently has a link to most endpoint on the Anypoint exchange
  4. Make sure you also have the following Postman settings in your configuration, found under File > Settings > General
    1. SSL certificate verification = Off
    2. Request timeout in ms = 0
    3. Max response size in MB = 0
  5. Once API access has been granted, paste the client id and secret into the idmclientid/idmsecret environment variables above. Then call an API using the following steps:
    1. Click on “IdM Get JWT” (this should be the first API listed in the WUIT-Public collection)

6. This will open a tab in the main window to run the request.

7. Click the “Send” button to request authentication. A small two-line script in the “Tests” tab of this request parses the response to extract the access_token value from the response and sets the PersonJWT variable to this value. If you receive an error, recheck your values for idmclientid and idmsecret.

8. Click on the API endpoint on the left side in the collection to open a tab for the request.

9. A new tab for the API should open on the main window, in that view, click “Send”

Additional Learning

If you would like additional information on Postman, please visit the Postman Learning website


If you need any assistance with these steps. Please see the API Support page